In May 2022, the Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly adopted a resolution on Strengthening clinical trials to provide high-quality evidence on health interventions and to improve research quality and coordination, in which one action requested of the Director-General was to develop WHO guidance on best practices for clinical trials.
In line with this request, the WHO is launching a public consultation on draft guidance aiming to obtain input from all relevant stakeholders, spanning all diseases and health conditions.
Important stakeholder groups for this technical guidance include, (but are not restricted to): public sector researchers, private sector entities engaged in clinical trials, national health authorities or research councils involved in health research, clinical trial registries, research ethics bodies, national or transnational medicinal product regulatory authorities, decision-making bodies making use of evidence such as guidelines developers, and health technology assessment bodies, healthcare practitioners, patient engagement and community engagement entities, and professional associations in disciplines for whom clinical trials of health interventions are relevant. There may also be some relevance to medical journals.
The WHO would like to receive overall comments on what the draft guidance does well and less well at the moment, as well as comments on the sections of the document and line by line if desired. Please review action 2 under section “Requests the Director-General” at the end of WHA 75.8 resolution here before providing comments and use the online form accessible through the following link to provide inputs.
DEADLINE for the submission of comments is 15th September 2023. WHO is inviting participants to contact them at for additional information.
WHO is also providing a Word file of the full list of questions to help you plan your online submission – DO NOT make a submission using the word file, the submission should be through the online form. Wherever possible, please coordinate one submission per department or per institution using the word file to collate input into consolidated submissions through the online form.
Visit the full article from WHO here